The stories behind building better human service systems
This blog is for people interested in building a better human service system: where client outcomes improve and sustainable business models for the agencies who serve these clients is the new norm.
The Curandi Model is grounded in the system science that unleashes the power of effective collaboration around common sense outcomes to deliver clear value for the client, organization, and community.
Small social service organization, backbone organizations, government human service agencies, funders and payers all have a stake. We welcome you to learn more.
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- Ashby's Law
- Catholic Community Services
- Curandi news
- Fostering Hope Initiative
- Lund Report
- Oregon Health Forum
- ShelterCare
- affordable care
- cascading failure
- case study
- collaboration
- collective impact
- community
- community health
- complex adaptive system
- complex adaptive systems
- connection
- ecosystem
- health outcomes
- homeless
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- human capital
- human services
- individualized care
- inequality
- integrated care
- interdependence
- managed care
- models
- mutual support
- networks
- outcome-based care
- population health
- prevention
- real value
- relationships
- safety net
- self-organized
- shared purpose
- smart networks
- social determinants of health
- social services
- sponsorship
- system behavior
- systems thinking
- wicked problems
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We’d love to hear your pitch! We are currently looking for writers with expertise in relevant areas of healthcare and social service delivery, network science and interdisciplinary collaborations to add to our library. Please fill out the form below for consideration.