Systems Approach
Concept Overview
For too long we’ve treated healthcare, human services and education as independent systems to be managed like a factory floor. But rather than simplifying the complexity of any given social problem, this approach has just made things more complicated for individuals, providers and funders – while failing to improve the health of our communities.
It’s time we ditched the outdated thinking that produced this disconnected model. To create the change we want to see, we must create a system that can produce it: an integrated, adaptable system that can meet individuals’ unique needs while strengthening the ties that naturally bind us as a society.
Curandi promotes and supports the application of systems science and engineering principles to the most critical system to everyone’s future: community. Our innovative approach helps communities self-organize around shared purpose, track outcomes and continuously adapt to meet the changing needs of its members.
The result: agile, living networks capable of identifying better, more economical solutions to restore the ability of every community to deliver real opportunity to all its members. Learn more about systems thinking and its potential for transforming communities in the articles below.
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